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MLRI Applauds Governor Healey’s Investment in Low-Income Families, Asks Legislature to Quickly Pass Supplemental Budget

Boston MA (January 31, 2023) – The supplemental budget for fiscal year 2023 filed yesterday by Governor Healey takes three major steps towards reducing hunger for Massachusetts families.

First, it would provide $130 million for three months of boosted Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, also known as food stamps) benefits for over a million Massachusetts residents. Since March 2020, SNAP households have received additional federal SNAP dollars to combat the economic impacts of the pandemic. In December, Congress prematurely ended these boosted payments – which otherwise would have continued in Massachusetts until the end of the federal public health emergency – causing Massachusetts SNAP households to lose, on average, $151 per month starting in March.

The funding in the supplemental budget would provide families with a portion of what they have been receiving for three months. For example, a family of three losing $151 per month would receive about $60 a month for 3 months in addition to their regular SNAP benefits. These state dollars would blunt the harm of the payments ending, and help working families, older adults and persons with disabilities contend with continued inflation. Given the high cost of food, this is a well-timed, critical investment in combating hunger in Massachusetts.

Second, the Governor’s supplemental budget includes funds to replace SNAP benefits stolen from thousands of Massachusetts households by criminals who use a “skimming” device to capture the households’ account information. While all consumers are at risk of being skimmed, SNAP consumers are particularly vulnerable because the EBT card only has a magnetic stripe – an inferior and outdated card technology largely replaced by chip cards.

Between June and October 2022, thieves stole over a million dollars from thousands of Massachusetts families. In November 2022, MLRI filed a class action lawsuit challenging the state’s refusal to replace benefits stolen through no fault of the household. In December, Congress directed states to use federal funds to replace SNAP benefits stolen on or after October 1, 2022

MLRI has urged the Healey-Driscoll Administration to fill the gap and provide state dollars for the thousands of families harmed before October 1. Families whose SNAP was stolen faced significant financial hardships, using their rent or utility money to buy food or paying for food with a credit card. They are still in precarious financial circumstances because of the thefts. The supplemental budget would provide the necessary funds to replace the stolen benefits.

MLRI looks forward to continuing to work with the Healey-Driscoll Administration, the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA), and the federal U.S. Department of Agriculture to implement improved EBT card security – namely chip cards. We must move with urgency to make sure all families are protected from skimming theft in the check-out line. 

Third, the Governor’s Supplemental Budget includes funding to allow school districts to continue universal school meals through the current school year for Massachusetts children. This ensures kids are fed and ready to learn and that school districts can plan their meals accordingly. 

MLRI applauds the Healey-Driscoll Administration for including these critical nutrition items in the supplemental budget. We urge the Massachusetts legislature to promptly pass the supplemental budget so that DTA can quickly get these much-needed food dollars out to families. 

MLRI is also grateful for the proposed increase in funds for the Emergency Assistance shelter program, and we hope that as the bill moves through the legislature the Commonwealth can expand efforts to address the needs of newly arrived migrants who are currently ineligible for shelter and other resources. 


Vicky Negus | 857.241.1723

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