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MLRI’s SNAP Online Calculator Has Been Used 4,000+ Times in 2023

MLRI’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) online calculator has been used over 4,000 times since the start of 2023.

SNAP is a federal nutrition program that provides eligible households with monthly funds to buy food. The amount a household receives depends on household size, income, and certain allowable expenses. MLRI’s online calculator helps potential Massachusetts SNAP recipients and community advocates estimate the monthly SNAP benefits amount a household may receive. The calculator provides a quick check on whether a household is eligible for SNAP and whether they are getting the correct amount.

The “SNAP math” is extremely complex due to federal SNAP rules. Having a simple tool to estimate SNAP can help identify errors and make a significant difference in the amount of dollars that people get each month. The calculator can help families and advocates identify areas where the state has made a mistake or where they might be able to claim additional deductions.

The tool is inspired by a similar SNAP calculator created by Virginia Poverty Law Center. The Massachusetts calculator was created by the Massachusetts Legal Aid Websites Project at MLRI, with additional support from the Suffolk Law Lit Lab. It has been used over 44,000 times since it was launched in October 2020.

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