Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI) 2025-2026 Legislative Priorities
The Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI) is pleased to present our priorities for the current legislative session.
We are leading, co-leading, or supporting several broad-based coalitions and working directly with community partners and fellow advocates from across the state to advance important priorities that address poverty and create a more just, fair and equitable Commonwealth for all.
From advocating for bills that promote housing justice, to increasing cash assistance for extremely low-income children and families, to ensuring that state agencies comply with language access laws, our policy agenda is focused on removing barriers to opportunity, promoting racial equity, and ensuring that every individual in our state lives in dignity and has every chance to thrive.
Economic Justice
An Act to lift kids out of deep poverty (H214/S118)
Rep. Decker, Sen. DiDomenico, Lift Our Kids Coalition
Raises cash assistance grants by 20% each year until they reach 50% FPL and then require annual COLA.
An Act establishing the hunger-free campus initiative (H1466/S939)
Rep. Vargas, Sen Lovely, Hunger Free Campus Coalition
Creates a roadmap for the Dept. of Higher Education to support 2 & 4-year public colleges and minority-serving institutions in creating/expanding successful hunger relief initiatives; authorizes potential funding through the Fair Share Act, which currently funds free school meals, free community college and related programs.
An Act maximizing participation in federal nutrition programs improving customer service (H196/S167)
Rep. Arena de Rosa, Sen. Moore
Requires the Healey Admin to report to the Legislature the staffing and IT resources DTA needs to maximize federal SNAP dollars by improving access and customer service.
An Act to replace stolen benefits (H254/S147)
Rep. Kerans, Sen. Robyn Kennedy
Requires the DTA to replace stolen benefits not covered by the federal government.
An Act to promote equity in school attendance requirements (H201/S110)
Rep. Cruz, Rep. Arriaga, Sen. Lewis
Repeals the “Learnfare” law that unfairly imposes sanctions on children on TAFDC for chronic school absences.
Family Law & Domestic Violence
An Act relative to controlling and abusive litigation (H1594/S1205)
Rep. Blais, Sen. Moore, Together Rising Above Coercion (TRAC) Coalition
Mitigates the impact of controlling and abusive litigation involving individuals who are current or former family or household members, where one has committed abuse or harassment against the other.
An Act providing civil legal remedies for victims of economic abuse (H1694/S1147)
Rep. Fluker-Reid, Sen. Kennedy
Establishes a comprehensive framework to address economic abuse, providing remedies and protections for victims. It defines “economic abuse” as incurring debt through methods like identity theft, fraud, or coercion, often by family members or caregivers.
An Act to bring child support home (H201/S110)
Rep. Barber, Rep. Armani, Sen. Creem
Requires 100% of child support paid to a child on TAFDC to be paid directly to the family, instead of the government, and would expand good cause reasons for not cooperating with child support to include the best interests of the child.
Health Care
An Act relative to insurance coverage for doula services (H1312/S789)
Rep. Sabadosa, Sen. Miranda, Massachusetts Doula Coalition
Mandates private insurance coverage of doula services; creates a doula advisory committee to meet regularly with MassHealth; Amends patient bill of rights to give patients the right to have doulas present during labor and delivery.
An Act to ensure equitable health coverage for children (H1403/S855)
Rep. Rogers, Sen. DiDomenico, Children’s Health Access Coalition
Expands eligibility of comprehensive MassHealth coverage to include all income-eligible children regardless of their immigration status.
An Act to update Medicaid resource limits for seniors (H1414/S879)
Rep. Ultrino, Sen. Lewis
Raises income level for MH Standard for seniors to 138% FPL, disregarding whole life insurance, and raises resource level from $2000/$3000 to $10K/$20K.
An Act promoting access to counsel and housing stability in Massachusetts (H1952/S968)
Rep. Rogers, Rep. Day, Sen. DiDomenico, Access to Counsel Coalition
Creates a permanent Access to Counsel Program for evictions.
An Act enabling cities and towns to stabilize rents and protect tenants (H2328/S1447)
Rep. Rogers, Rep. Montaño, Homes for All Coalition
Repeals the ban on rent control and enables municipalities to enact local rent control and just cause eviction ordinances to stabilize housing.
An Act to guarantee a tenant’s first right of refusal (H1544/S998)
Rep. Livingstone, Rep. Consalvo, Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) Coalition
Enables cities and towns to enact ordinances to provide tenant associations the right to match third-party offers when their homes are being sold, designate their rights to a non-profit or local housing authority, or partner with an affordable housing purchaser.
An Act enabling a local option for a real estate transfer fee to fund affordable housing (H3056/S1937)
Rep. Connolly, Rep. Gentile, Local Option for Housing Affordability (LOHA) Coalition
Enables cities and towns to enact local transfer fees to give communities the option to collect a small, one-time fee on high-end real estate sales to support affordable housing.
An Act improving emergency housing assistance for children and families experiencing homelessness (H216/S136)
Rep. Decker, Sen. Gómez, Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, Homes for All Coalition
Improves the Emergency Assistance family shelter and services program.
An Act providing upstream homelessness prevention assistance to families, youth, and adults (H1488/S961)
Rep. Decker, Sen. Crighton, Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, Homes for All Coalition
Codifies and improves the RAFT homelessness prevention program.
An Act promoting housing stability for families by strengthening the HomeBASE program (H1469/S1011)
Rep. Barber, Sen. Miranda, Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, Homes for All Coalition
Codifies and improves the HomeBASE rehousing program.
An Act relative to the integrity of state data systems (S1059)
Sen. Crighton
Prevents the misuse of state data for civil immigration enforcement.
An Act ensuring access to equitable representation in immigration proceedings (H1954/S1127)
Rep. Rodgers, Rep. Frank Moran, Sen. Gómez
Creates a public and private-funded program to provide no-cost immigration legal defense to immigrants in Massachusetts who are at imminent risk of deportation, especially those held in federal immigration detention.
An Act prohibiting employers from attempting to conceal violations of state wage, benefit, or tax laws (H2176)
Rep. Sousa, Rep. Cruz
Allows the Attorney General’s Fair Labor Division to fine any employer that is found to have threatened to disclose immigration status to conceal wrongdoing.
An Act relative to affirming and maintaining equal access to public education for all children (H650/S436)
Rep. Frank Moran, Rep. Peisch, Sen. Payano
Preserves key federal protections in education (Plyer v. Doe) and affirms the Commonwealth’s commitment to educational equity. Without this bill, any rollback of federal law or guidance could negatively impact students’ rights in Massachusetts.
Racial Justice & Equity
An Act relative to language access and inclusion (H3384/S2125)
Rep. Madaro, Rep. González, Sen. DiDomenico, Mass Speaks Coalition
Codifies and expands federally enacted protections for Limited English Proficient (LEP) and deaf or hard of hearing persons to receive equal access to services, programs, and activities from public-facing state agencies of the Commonwealth.
An Act preserving broadband service for low-income consumers (H3527/S2318)
Rep. Mendes, Sen. Payano
Requires internet service providers to offer a $15 flat fee high speed discount internet plan for low-income consumers.
An Act establishing fairness for agricultural laborers (H2108/S2012)
Rep. González, Rep. Moran, Sen. Gómez, Sen. Eldridge, Fairness for Farmworkers Coalition
Raises the minimum wage of farm workers in Massachusetts from $8 to state minimum wage.
An Act relative to overtime pay for agricultural laborers (H3107/S2011)
Rep. González, Rep. Moran, Sen. Gómez, Sen. Eldridge, Fairness for Farmworkers Coalition
Provides farm workers the ability to earn overtime pay and provides them with 15 minute breaks.
An Act requiring clean slate automated sealing (H1811/S1114)
Rep. Keefe, Rep. Vargas, Sen. Friedman
Mandates the automated and expedited sealing of eligible criminal and juvenile records in MA. It eliminates the need for individuals to file petitions, requiring the Commissioner of Probation to seal records within specified time frames after eligibility is met.
An Act to eliminate disparate impact (H1889/S1064)
Rep. Meschino, Sen. DiDomenico
Codifies a right to bring disparate impact claims in state court.
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute Additional Legislative Initiatives
- Economic Justice
- Family Law & Domestic Violence
- An Act prohibiting discrimination against adults with disabilities in Family and Juvenile Court proceedings (H1852/S1164)
- An Act relative to determining the best interest of children in probate and family court (H1659/S1157/S1265)
- An Act protecting survivors of rape and their children (H1674/S1069)
- An Act establishing a bill of rights for children in foster care (H235/S107)
- Health Care
- Housing
- Immigration
- Racial Justice & Equity
- An Act Relative to the training, assessment, and assignment of qualified school interpreters in educational settings (H520/S320)
- An Act to remove collateral consequences and protect presumption of innocence (H1693/S1124)
- An Act prohibiting the use of Native American mascots by public schools in the Commonwealth (H575/S312)