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Shockingly high rents in state subsidized HDIP housing

The Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP) subsidizes market rate and luxury projects in Gateway Cities. MLRI has published two extensive reports (Review of the Housing Development Incentive Program (“HDIP”) & Update on the Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP): a subsidy for market rate housing) documenting the mostly inequitable results of the millions spent on HDIP. Thus far, HDIP has spent $146 million taxpayer dollars on housing targeted to smaller households with disposable income. And as the affordable housing crisis intensifies and federal cutbacks loom, the state may spend up to another $30 million every year to support only higher priced housing – no affordable units. HDIP owners can set rents at whatever the market will bear. In some Gateway Cities the rents, while mostly above market, are somewhat reasonable. But in others, HDIP rents in subsidized buildings are outrageously high as you can see from this sample. MLRI advocates to reform HDIP as a mixed income program – market rate and deeply affordable.


HDIP Flyer Updated 3.5.2025 (2)

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