MLRI’s Advocacy Frameworks recognize our roots as an anti-poverty organization and underscore the interrelatedness of poverty reduction, access to justice, and racial equity as the foundations of a just society.
- Addressing Chronic Poverty: identifying systems and conditions that perpetuate poverty and devising cross-substantive, multi-generational strategies that remove barriers and promote economic, family and community stability, opportunity, and mobility for low-income individuals, families, and communities.
- Ensuring Access to Justice: devising strategies to address systemic barriers that impede low income people, vulnerable populations (e.g., limited English proficient, limited education, seniors, children, individuals with physical, mental health, or cognitive disabilities) and pro se litigants from accessing the civil legal system, courts or administrative agencies, from accessing basic benefits and services, from knowing and exercising their legal rights and privileges, and from participating in fair & efficient judicial and administrative processes.
- Advancing Racial Equity: identifying issues and conditions that have a negative impact on the state’s communities of color and immigrant communities and devising effective strategies to diminish systemic barriers, racial disparities and implicit bias, and promote equal rights and equal opportunities for all.
Click here for a chart highlighting MLRI’s Advocacy Frameworks.

“As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.”
-Nelson Mandela
Resources for legal help and information: