2024 SNAP Advocacy Guide
An indispensable handbook for all who need to know about the SNAP program in Massachusetts. The SNAP Advocacy Guide provides practical information about how and where to apply, who is eligible, and how to appeal a denial or termination.

2022 Unemployment Insurance Advocacy Guide
This Guide is intended to answer questions about applications, eligibility, benefits, and appeals in the unemployment insurance (UI) process, which in Massachusetts is operated by the Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA).

2021 TAFDC Advocacy Guide
Using a simple question-and-answer format, this handbook guides advocates through the maze of Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) rules and regulations that govern the requirements for eligibility, benefits, applications, and proofs.

2021 Emergency Assistance Advocacy Guide
Using a simple question-and-answer format, this Guide leads advocates and homeless families through the rules governing eligibility for Emergency Assistance — the program that provides emergency shelter and rehousing services to homeless families with children in Massachusetts.

2019 ConnectorCare Advocacy Guide
This handbook is designed for advocates and attorneys helping low- and moderate-income clients needing access to health care services who are not eligible for MassHealth, but may qualify for free or low cost health insurance through the Massachusetts Health Connector's ConnectorCare program.

Legal Tactics: Tenants’ Rights in Massachusetts (2017)
This handbook provides practical information about tenants' rights in private housing — housing that is owned by an individual or a privately-owned company. It answers questions on security deposits, rent, repairs, evictions, housing discrimination, lead poisoning, mobile homes, and tenants in foreclosed properties.

Legal Tactics: Finding Public and Subsidized Housing (2007)
This handbook is designed to assist low-income residents and their advocates in understanding and navigating the universe of government-funded housing programs in Massachusetts.

2017 EAEDC Advocacy Guide
EAEDC is a state-funded cash assistance benefit for individuals with disabilties (typically awaiting an SSI determination or appeal), elders age 65+ who do not qualify for federal SSI, and certain children who do not qualify for TAFDC. This updated 2017 EAEDC Advocacy Guide covers the eligibility criteria, application process and verifications, disability evaluation process, how the EAEDC benefits are calculated, and appeal rights.