
Shockingly high rents in state subsidized HDIP housing

The Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP) subsidizes market rate and luxury projects in Gateway Cities. MLRI has published two extensive reports (Review of the Housing Development Incentive Program (“HDIP”) & Update on the Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP): a subsidy for market rate housing) documenting the mostly inequitable results of the millions spent on HDIP. Thus far, HDIP has spent $146 million taxpayer dollars on housing targeted to smaller households with disposable income. And as the affordable housing crisis intensifies and federal cutbacks loom, the state may spend up to another $30 million every year to support only higher priced housing – no affordable units. HDIP owners can set rents at whatever the market will bear. In some Gateway Cities the rents, while mostly above market, are somewhat reasonable. But in others, HDIP rents in subsidized buildings are outrageously high as you can see from this sample. MLRI advocates to reform HDIP as a mixed income program – market rate and deeply affordable.

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A letter from MLRI’s Executive Director, Georgia Katsoulomitis: $20m in federal funds — a small, welcome contribution to a huge challenge

In this Boston Globe Letter to the Editor, MLRI Executive Director Georgia Katsoulomitis calls attention to the $20 million in federal funds secured by Governor Healey to help keep families in Massachusetts in emergency shelter, while still reminding us that this fight is not over.

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FY25 Budget Signed by the Governor Provides Funds for Access to Counsel (ATC)

BOSTON , MA (July 29, 2024) – Today, the Governor signed the FY25 budget and included the House and Senate’s recommendation for $2.5 million to launch an Access to Counsel pilot program to provide lawyers for low-income tenants facing eviction, an investment proven to decrease housing instability and homelessness.

“This is a significant step forward for housing justice and equity. A significant number of households facing eviction are Black or Brown, and very often are families headed by a single mother,” said Georgia Katsoulomitis, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI). “Gov. Healey, Attorney General Campbell and more than 240 legal, housing, healthcare and faith organizations support Access to Counsel as a way to provide tenants a level playing field, keep families housed, and build safe, healthy communities.”

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Spring Advocacy Updates

Our advocates know that meaningful change takes time – a win today only leads to change tomorrow if advocacy is ongoing.

Whether it is the restoration of state-funded food benefits for immigrants or the creation of access to counsel in eviction cases, when we take on issues, we are making a long-term commitment. 

The successes we’ve had in the past few months are the result of that committed advocacy – and will be the catalyst for more wins down the road. Thank you for joining us on this journey towards justice. 

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111 Organizations Support Request by MassHealth to Allow Use of Federal Funds for Shelter

In October, MassHealth submitted a Section 1115 Demonstration waiver amendment to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) which included, among other things, a request to spend federal money on shelter and other assistance for MassHealth families experiencing homelessness currently in the Emergency Assistance (EA) shelter program. If approved, this would bring significant federal money into the EA shelter system which could be used for shelter costs and supportive health-related services for MassHealth members.

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Tenants Fighting Displacement to Highlight Need for the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) in Legislative Hearing

Boston (November 13, 2023) – Tenants, community organizers, municipal leaders, developers,  and other experts will testify tomorrow in front of the Joint Committee on Housing in support of ​S.880/H.1350, An Act to guarantee a tenant’s first right of refusal. The Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) would allow cities and towns the local option of providing tenants in multi-family buildings the right to match a third-party offer when their homes are being sold. Tenants can designate their rights to a non-profit or local housing authority, or partner with an affordable housing purchaser.

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Organizations Call on the Healey-Driscoll Administration and Legislature to Protect the Right to Shelter and Urgently Expand Housing Opportunities

The Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless (MCH), Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI), and Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) are deeply concerned about Monday’s announcement from the Healey-Driscoll Administration that they plan to curtail access to the state’s Emergency Assistance (EA) family shelter program. For four decades, Massachusetts has honored the right to shelter for eligible families with children who are experiencing homelessness. We must continue to uphold that right as the Commonwealth navigates the ongoing housing crisis and the arrival of many immigrant families fleeing political upheaval, gang violence, natural disasters, and extreme poverty.

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Statement in Support of the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s Call to Action for Families Experiencing Homelessness, Appeal for Coordinated State Action

The Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless (MCH), Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA), Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI), and the undersigned organizations support the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s efforts to expand resources for shelter, housing, and other resources for families experiencing homelessness in Massachusetts. We affirm the Administration’s commitment to preserving access to the Commonwealth’s Emergency Assistance family shelter system for all eligible families with children. We are also grateful for the broad call to action to support newly arrived immigrant families. We stand ready to share our knowledge and assistance in these efforts in the days and weeks ahead, and we offer key recommendations today.

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